Are you compliant with COPRA / CCPA / FERPA / SOPIPA / GDPR?

We do not share any data with other companies or any other services. Personal data is not publicly displayed, and also you have a choice to create an account without providing an email address.

We are an EU based company, fully compliant with EU laws such as GDPR and other relevant regulations.

At present, we do not hold certification for compliance with US laws like FERPA, but we are dedicated to comply with the policies to create a secure space for everyone's protection and well-being.

We are strongly committed to create safe space for children as they navigate through a secured environment.

For more detailed information read our Privacy policy.

Are you associated with Glogster?

No, we are not associated with Glogster Inc. Only our founding members were in the original team behind Glogster. Read our story for more.